Intuitive Tarot Card Reading
Service Description
Tarot can be used to get a snapshot of the external factors and influences which could be contributing to imbalance within our lives and the body, manifesting as dis-ease. Tarot allows us "to look within ourselves to understand our emotions, the reasoning behind our words and conduct and the source of our conflicts." -Benebell Wen The following readings are available: General Health Love & Relationships Career & Finances Tarot decks mainly used: The Traditional Rider Waite Tarot Universal Tarot The Good Tarot The Herbal Tarot Chakra Wisdom Tarot Tarot of Sexual Magic Angel Tarot Cards Archangel Power Tarot Cards Other tarot decks may be used to obtain further clarity on the subject matter. An audio recording of your reading along with pictures of all cards used will be sent upon completion.
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